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Ethosomes - what are they?

Ethosomes are liposomal structures that are scientifically proven to penetrate the skin and deliver active ingredients.

Skin penetration

Higher activity with lower concentration of active ingredient

Clean label

Natural active ingredients + small amount of ethanol and water

Vegan product

100% plant-derived phospholipids and natural post-fertmentation ethanol

High stability

The presence of ethanol guarantees high microbiological stability of the product

Variety of applications

Can be used alone as an effective serum or as an additive to cosmetics

Micro/nano size

Sizes adapted to the size of skin pores

More efficient products

Can deliver up to 10 times more active ingredient to the targeted skin layer!

Formulation flexibility

We adapt to your product

Preventing degradation of active ingredients by light, oxidation, temperature!


10x skuteczniejszy niż zwykły retinol, niska koncentracja przy wyżej wydajności działania


produkt w trakcie opracowywania 

Dobrany składnik

inne substancje o charakterze hydrofobowym

Reach deeper

Very high efficiency of penetration into the skin przy bardzo niskim stężeniu substancji aktywnej dzięki budowie etosomalnej potwierdzonej naukowo dla licznych substancji o podobnej budowie chemicznej. Etosomy po przeniknięciu wgłąb skóry są rozmieszczone głównie na powierzchni błony komórkowej
Penetration into the targeted skin layer

Effectiveness and reliability

Our ethosomes are smaller than the size of skin pores which translates into better penetration. Studies show that ethosomes reach deeper into the skin more effectively than retinol applied using traditional methods.



Ethosomes are distinguished by their innovative composition, combining traditional liposomes with ethanol, which gives them unique properties.


Effective Permeation

Thanks to the addition of ethanol, ethosomes show a much better ability to penetrate skin membranes compared to regular liposomes, making them more effective in delivering active ingredients.


Enhanced Elasticity

Ethosomes, due to the presence of ethanol, feature increased membrane elasticity, which enables them to better adapt to skin conditions and more effectively penetrate active ingredients.


Perfect for Cosmetics

In the context of cosmetics, ethosomes are an ideal choice due to their ability to effectively penetrate the skin, which translates into more effective care and delivery of beneficial active ingredients, making them undoubtedly more valuable in cosmetic formulations.

We provide test documentation

With each production, all our products undergo exhaustive characterization analysis. In order to confirm the perfect state of nanoparticles after they are added to the final product, characterization can be carried out using NTA to check the main parameters of nanoparticles, such as size, distribution and concentration. Gwarantujemy brak problemów z rejestracją produktu zawierających cząstki nano-  na portalu zgłaszania produktów kosmetycznych (CPNP).*

Physicochemical (pH, viscosity, density, external appearance - color, odor)

Particle size

Particle size distribution

Concentration of the active substance

Encapsulation efficiency


Electrical conductivity

Microbiological tests

Thermal stability

*Zastosowanie naszego produktu w docelowej formulacji kosmetycznej ze względu na sub-mikronową wielkość oferowanych etosomów (>200 nm) nie wymaga zgłaszania drogą elektroniczną Komisji sześć miesięcy przed wprowadzeniem do obrotu (art. 16 rozporządzenia (WE) nr. 1223/2009 w uzupełnianiu do zgłoszenia zgodnie z art. 13 dotyczących produktów kosmetycznych zawierających nanomateriały).

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